CLMBR’s Ackeen Emmons
Man About Town
“I fell in love with bodybuilding because I kind of wanted to look like a superhero.” Oh, we must meet this guy. By the way, mission accomplished in looking like a superhero. Ackeem Emmons, Director of Studio CLMBR here in Cherry Creek North, looks like he could chase down a bad guy, leap tall buildings in a single bound, and lift something ridiculously heavy to throw at a rogue meteor that’s about to destroy Planet Earth. It seems only fitting that Emmons is our latest (Super) Man About Town.
I can’t believe this is my first question, but now I have to know…do you have a favorite superhero?
My favorite superhero was, and is Wolverine. The ability to heal yourself is the greatest power out there. You can be strong, intimidating, fly, shoot lasers out of your eyes, but the ability to heal yourself allows you to be immortal. Life does not have to be short. Fear less, and live more.
What’s your impression of the people, the neighborhood, and working in Cherry Creek North?
There is a great sense of balance. Everyone is working hard and, more importantly, working efficiently. But when the weather’s nice and the work week is over, people are enjoying themselves and everything that Cherry Creek has to offer. The quiet intensity turns into calmness, and the fun has begun!
What’s the most memorable moment you’ve witnessed while working at CLMBR?
When one of our members broke a personal record. Some people come in once in a while, some come every day, but this particular member falls right in between. Often quiet, she comes in with a smile, and then leaves drenched in sweat. One day, she came in at her regular time, but this time she left in tears. Overjoyed by what she accomplished, she said something so profound that I don’t think I’ll ever forget. She said, “I trust my body again.”
What’s the last movie you enjoyed watching?
Top Gun: Maverick. I watched it recently in Cherry Creek’s AMC theater, and was pleasantly surprised. Aside from fast planes and a side of confidence, I mostly enjoyed seeing someone play by their own rules. Limitations are often set, but the greats always break through and create something new.
What’s your best advice for staying in shape and living a healthy lifestyle?
Take it one choice at a time. A healthy lifestyle is more than just the intense workouts and quick core routine. It’s deciding between one more episode, or one more hour of sleep. It’s deciding between the side of fries or vegetables. It’s a bottle of water over the can of soda. We can all make a big difference with a small choice.
What’s a surprising fact to working in your industry that people working outside of it may not know?
We like to have a good time as well! There is a big misconception that all we do is work out, sleep, and eat healthy. I have a major sweet tooth, appreciate a good bottle of wine, and every Friday night I indulge.
What are the three things that you can’t live without?
Music, my plants, and competition. Music dictates my mood, it keeps me calm, gets me excited, or it distracts me from the madness around me. My plants started off as a small hobby and it has grown into this “thing” that I take a lot of pride in. My favorite is my 13-foot fiddle leaf fig named Bertha. My bedroom is now hers, but I do not mind sharing the space.
Who are your five dream guests to join you at a dinner party, and what are you eating?
Mother Theresa, Hilary Clinton, Michelle Kwan, John F. Kennedy and my mother. We’ll be dining on something that will be simple, clean and healthy because the conversations will be so filling.
The most fun you’ve had in a city is where?
The city I’ve had the most fun in is hands down, New York City, whether it was off-roading on an ATV upstate or the hidden gems all over the city. My personal favorite was nude body painting with black light paint in a low light loft in Brooklyn. It was an experience that has been hard to beat to date. You haven’t painted unless it’s on a naked canvas on Valentine’s Day.
What would you tell your 18-year-old self now?
Stop being patient and don’t be modest. The obstacle between achieving your dreams is you. You have what it takes, you just behave to believe it and show up!
What’s the last song that you cranked up in your car?
Fetch Your Life (feat. Msaki) – Prince Kaybee
What blows you away about CLMBR that’s different than other exercise programs?
I’m still in shock and awe of the effects of CLMBR. Personally, I have been training diligently for eight years. With a combination of bodybuilding, and sprint training, I have sustained my physique and conditioning. But since I’ve started CLMBR, my conditioning has increased exponentially and, even with the decrease in heavy lifting, I like my physique and muscle gain.
Visit Ackeem and try CLMBR at 155 St. Paul Street, 720.928.5885 |